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FC Talks: Arie van den Berg

"The higher prices are mostly demand driven, not because of supply"

In this Flower Circus Talks we have Arie van den Berg, owner of Berg Roses. Berg Roses grows roses in Holland, Kenia and China, So if somebody knows about roses worldwide it is Arie.

In Holland they grow 12 different varieties, and Arie says it's topsport to grow Roses profitable in Holland with a cost price that is very high. This is why innovation is key in Holland to compete with the competition worldwide.

Arie also explains why every country has it's own varieties, and that choosing new varieties is not only about figures, in the end it is always if you fall in love with it or not.

Sustainability is already for a long time high on the agenda at Berg Roses. With retail asking for it already for many years, Berg Roses is fully certified, and always looking for more possibilities to be more sustainable.

Although shipping flowers is more expensive now by plane, Arie tells there is enough space to send all the flowers. So the high prices are mainly demand driven. Something we see and hear worldwide.

This and much more in this Flower Circus Talks.

For more information about Berg Roses, visit their website:

photo credits: Berg Roses & Wikipedia

listen to the FC Talks via podcast:

Monday we will have a special! Together with Linda vd Slot from FAM Flower Farms we we walk through the flowering daffodil fields in Holland.

register here to join our live walk at 15.00 CET

Next Friday we will have a Magical online show again!

register here to join this episode at 15.00 CET


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