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FC Walks: Tulip Fields in Holland

It's already the 12th of May and still 90% of the tulips are not disbudded yet.

2021 is a late year. The Tulips are flowering 2-3 weeks later than an average year. This makes that although it is already half of May Dirk-Jan Haakman from Haakman Flowerbulbs can show us around in the Tulip fields.

Dirk-Jan explains the process of growing tulips, and what it takes to get good and healthy bulbs. While telling this you can see and hear his passion for this wonderful flower.

In the middle of the field, there are also some so-called 'numbers'. These are new varieties that are tested and don't have a name yet. Dirk-Jan will tell us about the breeding process that can take up to 20 years before you have a commercial variety!

This, much more information, and of course beautiful images from the flowering tulip fields in Wervershoof Holland.


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