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FC Talks: Michael Perry - Mr Plantgeek

"People shouldn't be afraid working with plants, they should chill out and enjoy them"

In this Flower Circus Talks, we have Michael Perry - Mr. Plantgeek. The man responsible for making gardening and plants cool again!

Michael has a unique way of working and showing plants. It makes plants and gardening much more accessible for a big group of people.

We talk about how people shouldn't be afraid of plants, it should be fun. How Michael is sharing his love for flowers and plants from a young age. His own gardening and much much more.

Michael is a uniquely skilled individual and is sharing his passion as @MrPlantGeek (Michael Perry). Currently, he’s embarking on a range of new projects including: 👉 Consultancy 👉 Brand Ambassador Work 👉 New Plants Development 👉 TV and Radio Presenting 👉 Social Media Advice 👉 Speaking and Workshops at a range of events

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